Frequently Asked Question

How do I play with unknown players?
Last Updated 5 years ago

You can play with strangers on Social and Casual tables, if you like. If you are trying to join a table already occupied with few players, please ask permission (using the message box) from other players who are already sitting on that table. On social table, generally person sitting on Chair 1 will be the decision maker and hence ask for permission from Chair 1 player before you occupy a vacant chair. On Casual tables, there is no specific chair/person moderating the game and hence just put request to all players thru the message box. .Initially it may bit bit difficult to play with unknown players as their playing style and understanding level may be different. But over a period of time, you may familiar with some of them and get used to different styles adopted by various players. This will help to improve your game as you will be playing with diversified and more skillful players.

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