Frequently Asked Question

Why only one team is getting good hands?
Last Updated 5 years ago

We have received few questions on this topic. Before answering to the questions, lets try to explain how we are shuffling the cards before distribution.

Following is the algorithm used for shuffling

list= Cards to be shuffled
n = Length of the List

For each card in the list, it swaps the card with another card in same list. Card to be shuffled is selected using a Random number between 1 to n. So, if you have 8 cards(n) to be shuffled, for card 1 to 8, it will swap between another randomly selected card. We use C# Random in a ThreadSafe implementation for selecting which card to be swapped. For technical folks, please refer below article

Now more interesting fact. Most of the websites shuffle the hand distribution only once. We are shuffling the cards 6 times on following stages

1) For each Suit (4 Shuffles)
2) After each round of card distribution (8 Shuffles). ie, Give one card to each player, shuffle and repeat.

Now, let us come back on answering the question. It is highly impossible for the system to identify which teams are getting which cards. IT IS matter of luck. Some days are good, some days are bad, some days are mixed. Even if you play face to face, you would have encountered this pattern.
Hope this answers the concerns. Be assured that the system don't prefer one team over other.

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